MMMGD / French ECTI Association Meeting

French ECTI Association Meeting
8.8.2024We held a meeting with Mr. Aydın ATABERK, the Turkish representative of the French ECTI French Professionals Association (ecti professionnels seniors) in Bursa on 8.8.2024 with the participation of our Bursa representative Mr. Aşkın DORU. Ecti is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization formed by expert volunteers from different sectors in France. Within the scope of the association's activities, experts provide short-term technical support in the problems encountered in the subjects they are experts in. In the meeting where the cooperation between our association and ecti was discussed, it was agreed to participate as guest speakers in the international events to be organized by our association, short-term consultancy in the problems faced by the enterprises in the mining sector and the benefit of the other party from the expertise of our association members.